So one of my new(ish) favorite bands is the band Cake. If you've heard anything by them, you've probably heard their song "The Distance," a song which Andrew ruined for me, but I won't ruin it for you. Oh and also, if you used to watch the show Chuck the theme song is an instrumental version of their song "Short Skirt/Long Jacket." So this song that I posted is their song called "Palm of Your Hand," and it's one of my favorite songs of theirs. It has a very pointed message I think, and that message is that you can't say that the future is in the palm of your hands because nothing is permanent. The lead singer sings about how if you knew this particular house, you'd never believe that that house is now gone. Houses are fairly permanent, at least until something unexpected comes along and takes them out. And if houses can be so easily destroyed, who's to say that something can't take out something else we think is permanent? The song is basically saying we can't say that the future is in the palm of our hands because nothing is really in the palm of our hands. It's the nature of this world to ruin our plans. So now that you think my intent with this post was to thoroughly depress you, I'll get to the real intent. We can't say that the future is in the palm of our own hands, because it isn't. "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft agley" (I decided to use the actual quote because Alex and I argued one time about whether the quote was "the best laid schemes," "or the best laid plans"). If you've never heard that quote before, you've probably heard it like this: "The best laid schemes/plans of mice and men often go awry." We shouldn't be living in the future, we should be living in the present. We have some control over our present situation, but we have even less control over our future situation. We should appreciate the things and the people we have now, because they're not always permanent. And now I'm going to get a little bit gospel-ey, I hope you don't mind. Our future may not be in the palm of our hands, but it's in the palm of God's hands. And we do have one aspect of our futures in the palm of our hands. We get to decide where we go in the next life. We get to decide, by the choices we make, whether or not we want to return and live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I think that's the one thing in our lives of which we have complete control. When things don't go as we planned, we shouldn't let it get us down. Things aren't always supposed to go as we planned, that's the whole point. The important part is how we react to things not going as we planned. It's a lot easier to deal with it when we keep an eternal perspective. So yeah, I hope that made sense and it wasn't super depressing, cause I wasn't trying to be super depressing. I was just trying to get you to think about living in the present, but also living with the real end goal in mind.
Oh and I know a lot of times the things people say (ESPECIALLY women) have double meanings and often it's because of something that's going on in our lives that we say things, but I would just like to assure you that there's no veiled meaning or reason behind this post. My life is going perfectly well. I just have a lot of thoughts, and I just wanted to analyze a song that I like. So don't worry, Andrew and I are doing fine.