Friday, February 24, 2012

My Hunger Games Obsession

Sorry I suck so much at blogging. I do have a bit of an excuse though, cause I just had four tests in the past two weeks which was a little bit crazy, but I'm still alive, and now it's over with so that's good.

Anyway, so I first read The Hunger Games trilogy last school year. Stevie had all three books so I borrowed them and read them, and I loved them. I thought they were amazing, but I also wondered how in the world someone comes up with an idea like that. Who writes a story about a country which requires its citizens to give up 24 of their teenagers for a competition in which they kill each other? And that third book was crazy gruesome. I can't imagine how they're gonna make the third movie and keep a PG-13 rating without cutting out quite a few scenes. In spite of this, I did love the books. I will admit that there were a few things I didn't like as much about the series, such as how the third book ends, and Katniss kinda started to bug me in the third book too. Not nearly as much as Bella though, when I read the Twilight books a second time around. I couldn't stand Bella, whereas Katniss is only slightly annoying, and who isn't slightly annoyed about something with every person they know? So anyway, I enjoyed the books the first time I read them but I wouldn't say I was obsessed. And that was that.

Well, with the movie coming out pretty soon, about a month or so ago I decided I wanted to reread the books, so I bought them on my Kindle Fire (which my amazing husband got me for Christmas...he's the best, and I seriously love that little thing (not my husband, the Kindle)) and I reread them. Well, it took me all of about four days to reread the series and I pretty much couldn't put my Kindle down. I all but ignored school for those three days to reread those books, and I fell in love all over again. I think they were even better the second time. The ending still kinda bothered me, and I think it was actually this read through that made me realize Katniss was a bit annoying, but they were still better the second time around. So now after rereading them I'm obsessed. It's a bit of a sick obsession really. The Hunger Games consumes quite a few of my waking thoughts. I bought tickets for Alex and Andrew and I to go see the movie opening night in IMAX (which I'm so excited about that I can hardly contain myself). Andrew's even getting annoyed with me; when I told him I thought I was obsessed he said something like, "Yeah, you are, and I'm getting really sick of hearing you talk about it." I don't think that's exactly what he said but that was the gist of it. I'd really like to go to a midnight showing in IMAX, but I'm dancing in BYU Lu'au in March (BTW you should all come) in the Tahitian and Samoan sections and Tahitian section practices at 6 in the morning on Fridays. Plus Andrew has PT every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 in the morning so I don't think he would have gone for that. I guess I'll just have to settle for opening night. That's the next best thing right? And if you'd like a little more detail into my crazy obsession, I look up stuff online about the movie all the time, and I even entered a drawing to win all the nail polishes inspired by the movie that China Glaze is coming out with. If you've ever heard the song Pyro by Kings of Leon, I personally think whoever actually wrote the song must have been thinking about The Hunger Games when they wrote it. I'll post it in case you want to listen to it. Oh and also I think the first book might be my favorite, but I liked the Quarter Quell from Catching Fire better than the games in The Hunger Games, so maybe I actually like the second one better...whatever. I'm so obsessed with The Hunger Games that I dedicated an entire blog post to it. So now you know how crazy I am.

Oh, and one thing that I hope they don't do with this movie is play up the love triangle too much. I mean I know it's a huge thing for the trilogy as a whole, but it's not a huge thing in the first book. They can play up the love triangle a little bit, but if it turns into Twilight I will be pissed. The Hunger Games is NOT Twilight, and the two aren't even comparable. I mean, sure they both have a love triangle, but so do a lot of other books and movies and TV shows and basically everything that involves any romance. And one thing that I saw when I was creeping around online is that the producers of The Hunger Games said that none of the actors from Twilight can be in any of The Hunger Games movies. Thank goodness for that. And I'm not making that up, just Google, "Twilight actors can't be in the hunger games." Oh and by the way, I like Peeta a million times more than Gale. I would definitely be Team Peeta, but from what I saw online, the fans of the movie who aren't 13 year old girls also obsessed with Twilight don't want this "team" thing to start, probably because they don't like Twilight.

So basically I'm so so SO excited for The Hunger Games movie. I have no idea how I'm gonna be able to wait another month till the movie comes out, but luckily the older you get, the faster time flies by, so it will be here before I know it. At least that's what I'm gonna tell myself.

PS- It may sound like I'm a Twilight hater from this post, but I'm really not. I mean, I hate Bella (here's why: she is constantly whining about not wanting Edward and Jacob to get hurt, but one's a frickin' vampire and the other is a frickin' werewolf, what the heck does she think is going to happen to them? ), and I probably wouldn't read the books again, but I don't hate them like all those anti-Twilight people do. And I saw the movies (well the first 3) and I admittedly enjoyed them. I didn't think they were anything to get obsessed over, but I also didn't think they deserved all the hatred they're getting. And I wouldn't mind seeing the fourth or fifth ones.

I can't get this put on this movie's soundtrack since it's already made, but maybe I could get it put on the Mockingjay soundtrack. It fits that book better than the other two I think. Well it fits the series as a whole, but out of the three books it fits Mockingjay best.

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