Thursday, January 19, 2012

Update On My Previous Post

So ever since Andrew saw my last post (he didn't actually read it though, he just saw the title, and probably the word "dog" somewhere in that post) he's been taking the time to inform me that we are never getting a dog. He's told me point blank like three times that we are not getting a dog. And when I told him I still want a fish he even said no to that. "First it's a hamster, then it's a fish, then it's a dog," apparently. Maybe when Harley dies I'll get my fish, cause he's already told me we're not getting another hamster. And now he even acts like he doesn't like Harley as much. What kind of man did I marry??? No I'm just kidding, I know exactly the kind of man I married and I'm perfectly okay with that man. I decided if we never get a dog I'll be okay with it, cause I'll still have him. Unless he dies (since he's going into the Army after all), in which case I will get my dog, and I will probably never be happy again. That's kind of a depressing thought and you probably didn't come here to get depressed so we'll just move on from that.

Also, Harley is not quite so vicious anymore. I think she really just wasn't happy with being forcibly taken from her old home. You'd probably lash out too if someone took you from your friends and put you in a box and shook you all around while they were driving and then stuck you in a new cage in a completely foreign place. In fact, you'd definitely lash out, and you'd probably call the police, if you still had your cell phone. That actually sounds like the basic plot to a lot of movies. But hamsters don't have cell phones, nor do they speak English, so all Harley could do was bite us. Like I said though, she's calming down a lot. She lets us pet her now without whipping around as fast as she possibly can and trying to bite our fingers off, and she even let me hold her last night without trying to bite me. She's still as feisty as ever, and she doesn't like being held, but maybe in a few days (or weeks...or never) she won't bite at all.


1 comment:

  1. I am laughing so hard that I'm crying! Your blogs are hilarious!
