Thursday, November 3, 2011


So a couple of things have been on my mind today. The weather's been getting into that crazy cycle where it will get really cold for a few days and then warm up to around the 60's for a few days, and then it will get really cold again for a few days, and then it will warm up again for a few days, and then it will get cold again for a few days, and then it will get warm again for a few days, and so on and so forth until it finally stays cold and winter rears its ugly head. I find that cycle really quite annoying, and maybe that's how fall everywhere else actually is, but since I grew up in Texas where there are only two seasons (and one of them is a really only a psuedo season), I'm not used to it. I really wish the weather would just make up its frickin' mind and stay warm or stay cold, but whatever, that's not actually what I wanted to vent about. What I really wanted to vent about was the cold weather itself. I absolutely positively hate it. I will admit that there's something enchanting about the cold and snow cause it means Christmas is coming and all those other fun things that are associated with cold weather, like hot chocolate, and ice castles, and Christmas lights, and snowball fights, and blah blah blah, but I still hate cold weather. I hate being cold. I would rather be a way too hot than even a little bit cold. Oh but what's that you say? When it's cold you can layer and when it's hot you can only take so much off? Well guess what? I don't frickin' care. That doesn't even sway my hatred for the cold or preference for the warmth in any way whatsoever. I just hate being cold. Hate hate hate, double hate, loathe entirely. So that's my take on cold weather.
The other thing I wanted to vent about was my physics 106 class, and how much I just want this semester to be over. So for my major (neuroscience) we have to take Physics 105 and 106, which are just basic Intro to Applied Physics classes, and 107 and 108, which are the lab classes associated with them. First of all, physics has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with neuroscience, so I think it's really stupid that we have to take them. And I know lots of neuroscience majors go on to medical school, and medical schools require physics classes, but I'm not going on to medical school, so I don't see why I have to take physics. I think those physics classes should be suggested classes for if you're planning on going on to medical school, but unfortunately, I don't get to decide, so I'm stuck taking physics. Second of all, physics is one of the few topics that make zero sense to me (another is trigonometry, and I have a difficult time grasping geometry as well). I can make sense of the other difficult sciences that I have to learn, like organic chemistry, molecular biology, and various neuroscience classes, but I just do not get physics. I'm definitely more of a conceptual learner, so when you give me a subject that's all applied and quantitative, I'm screwed. And what's really bad is that since I don't understand physics, I'm intimidated into not putting any effort into studying for it, because I know it just won't make any sense to me. So I'm basically reduced to just trying to get through these classes. After this semester I'll be done with that stupid physics requirement, and thus, I cannot wait for this semester to be over. It's going by pretty fast, but not fast enough, cause I'm still  in my physics classes. And finally, I don't really have a problem with my 108 class (the lab) cause I have a really cool TA and we're in groups, so we do all the work together, but I am really struggling with my 106 class. As soon as the professor opens his mouth to speak, my mind just goes off into another world. I cannot pay attention in that class for the life of me, no matter how hard I try. And it's not even that the professor has a monotone voice, cause he doesn't. I guess it goes back to the being intimidated into not putting any effort into it thing. Another thing that I don't like about the class itself is that the professor goes through powerpoints that have all the pertinent information on them, but he goes way too quickly through the slides, so I have no time to write stuff down, or he'll stand there and talk about a subject before coming to it on the slides, and then when he's done talking about that topic, he'll just skip right over those slides. And since I can't pay attention to what he's saying, I don't have a chance to write anything down. I just can't wait to be done with that class.
So anyway, cold weather sucks, physics sucks, and now that I've vented about it, all I can do is suck it up and get on with life.

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